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Дневные фейерверки
Аватарка Пользователь: Andrew VK (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 15, December, 2011 14:14

At the Arab Museum of Modern Art in Doha, Qatar this week, Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang put on his largest "explosion event" of the last three years, utilizing microchip-controlled explosives to form incredible designs and patterns. The video we've embedded of the event is an impressive testament to how a volatile black powder explosion can be controlled and shaped by computer.

Each set of explosions was calculated to paint a different picture. One series of explosions created black smoke clouds that looked like "drops of ink splattered across the sky."

In another, 8,300 shells embedded with computer microchips exploded in a pyramid shape over the desert.

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(tu): sezam

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Дневные фейерверки(tu) Andrew VK 15.12.2011 14:14
Технология пока еще сырая. Бербер 15.12.2011 15:07

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